Residents of Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur on June 18 showed their aggression and performed last rites of Chinese President Xi Jinping. The residents are angered by the deaths of the Indian soldiers, who lost their lives in a "violent face-off" with Chinese troops at Galwan Valley. The violent face-off happened on the night of June 15 in Ladakh's Galwan Valley as a result of an attempt by the Chinese troops to "unilaterally change" the status quo during de-escalation in Eastern Ladakh and the situation could have been avoided if the agreement at the higher level been scrupulously followed by the Chinese side. The Army confirmed that 20 soldiers were killed in the face-off including 17 who were critically injured at the stand-off location and exposed to sub-zero temperatures in the high altitude terrain. Indian and Chinese troops have disengaged at the Galwan area in Ladakh where they had earlier clashed